The Center worked  with Pilgrim Press to publish materials developed particularly around issues of concern to the LGBT community in the area of religious and pastoral studies. Four books have been published in this series. All four can be purchased through and in person at the CLGS office on the Pacific School of Religion Campus.

minsitryqueerfolksMinistry Among God’s Queer Folk

By David J. Kundtz and Bernard S. Schlager

David Kundtz, a former Roman Catholic priest and currently an author and psychotherapist, and Bernard Schlager, Director of National Programming at CLGS, have written this practical handbook on the basic skills needed by religious caregivers and ministry students to be effective and supportive in their work among LGBTQ people, both within and outside their faith communities. Both Kundtz and Schlager teach courses at Pacific School of Religion that fulfill requirements for the school’s Certificate of Sexuality and Religion. Virginia Ramey Mollenkott “strongly recommends this work of love to everyone…who has ever felt a nudge toward ministry among God’s queer people”.



god comes outGod Comes Out: A Queer Homiletic
By Olive Elaine Hinnant

An out lesbian and an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, Olive Elaine Hinnant analyzes the texts of ten sermons in this book for clues and insights about socially liberating preaching. As she suggests through this book, LGBTQ preaching brings God “out” in new and prophetic ways and with imaginative visions for all us regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression. Both the novice and the well-seasoned preacher will appreciate the fresh energy Hinnant brings to the pulpit in her analysis. Or as Thomas Troeger puts it, who wrote the Foreward for this volume, “readers will welcome this book, not only for its wisdom and compassion, but also for its practical suggestions about how to initiate liberating conversation about sexual differences.”


transgenderedbookimageTrans-Gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith
by Rev. Dr. Justin Edward Tanis

Justin Tanis, a transgendered ordained minister in the Metropolitan Community Churches, seeks to explore the spiritual nature of transgendered persons, to listen to the stories of others like himself, and to provide theological reflection on the ministries of, by and for this particular community. The book includes an introduction to trans issues, an overview of gender variance and the Bible, reflections on the intersection of transgendered people and faith communities and how to create a genuine welcome for trans people in those communities, as well as a theological analysis of gender as a calling and transgendered body theology. Dr. Tanis earned his M.Div. from Harvard Divinity School and his D.Min. from San Francisco Theological Seminary and serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry.


Read the foreword for this series, written by Mary Tolbert, CLGS Executive Director.

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queeryingevangimageQu(e)erying Evangelism:
Growing a Community From the Outside In (Paperback)

by Cheri DiNovo

Qu(e)erying Evangelism chronicles DiNovo’s own attempts as a minister to expand the membership of a rapidly shrinking congregation in a poor, inner city Toronto neighborhood. When members decided to evangelize among the marginalized and “queer” at their gate, church members are radically changed. The book addresses some of the key questions this experience has prompted, including: how to understand evangelism biblically and in a completely new way; how one functions as a queer theologian in a traditional pastorate; how one grows a congregation with real differences of opinion; and how the presence of the transgendered/transsexual challenges both theology and praxis of a mainline denomination. Cheri diNovo is senior minister at Emmanuel Howard United Church in Toronto, Canada. She received her M.Div. from the University of Toronto and her D.Min. from Toronto School of Theology. She is the host of the “Radical Reverend Show,” a weekly radio show in Toronto.

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